Friday, 29 August 2014

Living well into old age is the desire of all people. Annie Widya Institution (62) including one of the lucky ones can enjoy it. 10 grandchildren grandmother still look manly, far from being old and helpless. His back was straight and his eyes still can see clearly without glasses. Annie since 25 years ago to maintain their health by practicing regular breathing exercise. He then became one of the founders of Respiratory Indonesian Sports Association (Porpi).

Yet many people are still hesitant to follow the breathing exercise. Why be a breathing exercise? What are the benefits? By looking at the figure of Annie, actually the question was already answered.

A native of Tai Chi
Each person would breathe. However, according to dr. Noviar Ahmad, SpKO, our breathing process relatively passive daily, with a frequency of 12-18 times per minute. With the breathing exercise, which is a passive process that is converted into active. So that additional respiratory muscles go to work, such as the neck muscles. Because the breathing exercise is very good for people with asthma or chronic lung disease.

The basis of a variety of breathing exercise is Tai Chi, namely alloy breathing exercises
and meditation drawn from the ancient Chinese art of war. The principle utilizes alloy
power of yin (sourced from the earth) and the (sourced from the sky) using movement formation that provides balance and harmony. In development, if art breath every stream has a different emphasis.

According to Annie, in principle exercise performed is inhaling and exhaling as much as possible. For that we are encouraged to do abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing (active) and not chest breathing (passive). The characteristics of active breathing is stomach expands when we inhale.

This active breathing makes breathing become less frequency, less than 10 times every minute. But the vital capacity of air that enters the lungs larger. So the more oxygen that is bound by the hemoglobin in the blood. Oxygen is circulated throughout the body of this function in human metabolic processes. The more oxygen, the more smoothly our metabolism.

Exercise is different from aerobic respiration, for example, that overload the heart and lungs. In this exercise, practice breathing organs in the concentration (meditation) by way of a gentle breathing, deep, serene, sustainable, and natural. In this way, body and soul will feel calm.

Breathing Gymnastics
"In the training package Porpi, breathing exercises is the final part of a series of stretching exercises, warm up exercises, joint exercises, gymnastics disco, and gymnastics in slow motion," said Annie. The severity of a whole series of these exercises is measured by the intensity curves in the form of a graph measuring the heart rate per minute. Especially for gymnastics breathing, heart rate suggested approximately 98 times per minute.

In breathing exercises, movement and breath is unified whole. Between one movement to another is done with a relaxed, yet must not falter. Although it seems easy, if done properly will feel heavy. There are two series of breathing exercises, each of which consists of 18 movements.

In general, the participants will be trained novice interesting and exhale through the nose. Furthermore, expelled breath with the mouth slightly open. Interesting and exhaling is done slowly, as if done with hard and rush to destroy the balance of energy flow.

If breathing does not have to be forced, but it should be done naturally. When are you inhale, you should not suddenly stop, because it can harm the heart. If you feel the air in your lungs are full, must be removed (blown up) slowly. In the motion, power is on breathing, not on the hands or feet. Therefore, the movement of the hands and feet actually done gently. Each movement is accompanied tug and exhalations.(


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