Sunday, 23 November 2014

Good food is to be beneficial to your body, and one of the food was very good for health are protein foods. Protein is the second most important nutrients needed by the body as a carbohydrate replacement energy at the same time very well when trying to diet.

Protein is found in most nuts and meat and fish. But if you are a vegetarian, protein needs can be satisfied by eating fruits and vegetables. Based, some protein-rich vegetables that you can consume, among others, are

Soybean seeds may already be familiar with the usual protein intake and consumption, and are known in the form of tofu and tempeh. If you are allergic to lactose and casein milk animals, you can also consume soy milk instead of animal protein intake. You can also directly boiling or steaming soy and eaten alone as a snack. While black beans contain more protein than regular soy.

Nuts have many kinds, and is a good source of vegetable protein. Lentils and kidney beans have lots of essential amino acids such as isoleucine and lysine. Green beans in addition to healthy also rich in fiber and protein.

Green vegetable shaped like a tree is also very good in protein content. If you want to diet, obviously it must be entered because vegetables also contain natural fiber and antioxidants that counteract free radicals.

Green vegetables are very good for the body, including the one of which is spinach. Besides being rich in protein, also rich in iron and fiber which is good for the blood.


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