Tuesday 14 October 2014

Getting a good night's sleep is not easy for some people. Many factors behind why someone difficult to sleep soundly. Some of them are drinking coffee and watching a horror movie before bed. These activities can increase the adrenaline that will affect the quality of one's sleep. As we know that poor sleep quality is not only easy to make your sleepy and tired the next day, but also can make the depression, promote weight loss, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
How do I get a good night's sleep?

If you include people who have trouble sleeping and rarely get a good night's sleep, there are a few things you can do, such as:

Pay attention to what you drink in the afternoon

Drinking tea or coffee before bed can affect your sleep. But the most important thing is to watch what you drink during the afternoon. Joan Salge Blake, RD, a researcher from the Boston University revealed that water with a specific taste and flavor of orange soda drinks not considered ideal to drink in the afternoon because it can interfere with your night's sleep. He suggested that before taking anything should be seen first label, make sure that the drink does not contain ingredients that could increase energy. Energy drinks can make you awake and have trouble sleeping at night. If you still want to consume it, try to stop before 2pm.

Eating sleep driving

Blake said that in addition to avoiding heavy meals before bedtime, in fact there are some foods that can be consumed to help you get a good night's sleep. One is pasta, which is made ​​from whole grain foods that bertopping-right sprinkling of parmesan cheese, chicken breast, fresh vegetables, and tomato sauce. Pasta contains a combination of protein and tryptophan, the amino acids that will eventually be converted into serotonin (the sleep hormone) in the body. 

Bath after work

J. Todd Arnedt, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan says that an activity that can raise body temperature, especially before bed, you will potentially make it difficult to sleep. Bath before bed can affect body temperature, so it is also an effect on your sleep. Therefore, Arnedt advised to shower shortly after work, instead of a bath before bed. This is of course assuming that you are leaving work schedule evening or not adjacent to your sleep schedule.

Stretching the body

Do light stretching before bed can help calm the mind, reduce muscle tension, and breathing without the need to stabilize the heart harm. Body relaxed and comfortable to encourage you to sleep more soundly.  

Dim the house lights before bed

Lights out at bedtime can make a person more quickly to sleep. Even so, dim the lights in the rooms of the house before bedtime is also equally important. Ardnet said that the exposed bright lights before bed will make you difficult to sleep. He said if the lights dim conditioned indoors at night can provide a signal to the body clock that it is time for bed, and vice versa.

Disabling phone or gadget

Make sure not to bring mobile phones or gadgets in bed before sleep. If you are still busy with the device before bed, it will make you so insomnia. Turn off cell phones or gadgets an hour before bed so that you can quickly sleep and get a good night's sleep.

This article was obtained from here


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