Tuesday 2 September 2014

Health is very important for humans. When the condition of the body is not healthy, it could be due to a low immune system. The cause is an error in diet and intake of nutrients consumed.

Do not ignore these conditions for too long. Because, prevention is better than cure diseases. Perhaps you know some medications or supplements that claim to boost the immune system. But there are safer natural way, ie through food.
Quoted from womens health, here are some foods that strengthen the immune system that are not easily hurt.

1. Oatmeal
Health and nutrition experts from intergrative Cancer Care, Evanston, Illinois advised to regularly eat oatmeal. The reason, because oatmeal is rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, thiamine, iron and beta-glucans which can help improve blood circulation and act as antioxidants. Oatmeal is also believed to be able to reduce the levels of harmful cholesterol and are able to boost the immune system.

2. Tomatoes
Tomato is a fruit that is most easily found. Bright color can attract many people to eat. Tomatoes are widely used for dishes such as soup, juice, pasta, and others. Lycopene contained in tomatoes protect against oxidation, inhibit cell mutations, lowering the nucleic acid injury, reduce blood vessel disease, heart disease and prevent cancer.

3. Wine
Drink wine or wine has long been known in the culinary world. From the first, drink wine to enhance the body's resistance to diseases such as diarrhea and cholera. The content of wine such as flavonoids and phenolic called resveratrol are antioxidants that can fight free radicals cause health problems. It's just that, you should not eat excessively. Just one glass a day.

4. Chamomile Tea
According to researchers from Imperial College, London, chamomile tea helpful for disease prevention. In the study, people who drank five cups of chamomile tea every day, for two weeks, the activity of the body's resistance to bacteria increased. This condition had persisted for two weeks even if the person stops consuming chamomile tea. This tea is best taken during a fever or flu.(http://wolipop.detik.com/)


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