Saturday 13 September 2014

You know the expression that you are what you eat? It is also passed on your crown. Reflects the general health of the hair is a person, and of course public health related to nutrition, as stated by the expert trichologist (hair and scalp expert) that Elizabeth Cunnane Philips Philip Kingsley clinic Trichological in New York.

Want to have healthy hair that is free from the problem of hair loss and so on? Consumption of healthy foods following 12.

Salmon and Fish Forel

Fish does have many health benefits. Not surprisingly, fish is recommended to be consumed than beef. Salmon or fresh water fish such as trout contain omega 3 and vitamin D and unsaturated fats that are good for the health of the scalp.


Not many know that the poultry meat such as chicken, duck and turkey also contain zinc, iron and vitamin B12 are good for hair growth as well good to control excessive oil glands causes dandruff.


All types of sprouts and nuts are rich sources of fiber and protein. Besides eating nuts is also beneficial to nourish the hair roots and strands containing biotin, iron, and zinc.


No wonder that the food source is often contained in a hair beauty products, be it shampoo, conditioner, mask and serum. Eggs have protein, high mineral, vitamin B12, iron and protein for hair growth so as not easily fragile.

Potatoes and Tomatoes

Part the hair follicles can be strengthened by consuming food sources rich in beta carotene such as potatoes and tomatoes. In addition, potatoes contain vitamin A.

Blueberries and Apricots

Hair requires nutrients, naturally occurring minerals as well as vitamins C and E, which can be obtained from blueberries and apricots.

Spinach, Kale and Broccoli

Prevent excess oil, hair loss and hair problems branched diligently eating green vegetables, preferably organic type such as spinach. Spinach is the most excellent source of iron, but it is rich in beta carotene, vitamins C and E and folate.

Ridho Nugroho / Source: Women's Health


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