Wednesday 27 August 2014


Hair loss is common among adults and children alike. Every time you comb or after shampooing your hair loss will experience the usual curved. It should not be on leave, because it would make your hair will be increasingly depleted.

Before we discuss about how to cope with hair loss, we need to know in advance what causes hair to fall out.

The cause hair to fall out are as follows:

1. The use of hair

Hairdryer, comb, coloring, and use a hair tie. It gives the hair more good in view. But, if it is already excessive or not in accordance with the rules. Then comes the problem that we are talking about.

2. Drugs

Chemicals, it is common to have many side effects. And there are also a lot of various drugs, which turned out to be fallen hair effect. But, if the drug is in use then finished rontokpun stop.

3. Pregnant

Appearance of a pregnant woman, would be worse than an ordinary woman. It thus could be affected because of telogen effluvium which can make hair fall out. This problem usually appears after 3 months after childbirth.

4. Stress

Excessive stress may experience psychological conditions such as weight loss and hair loss. Try to occasional refreshing in the midst of your busy life, so the body can return refreshed and avoid stress.

After knowing the cause of the hair to fall out, we will discuss how to overcome them. Here are 5 ways to cope with hair loss:

1. Coping with Hair Loss in Head Massage
By doing massage gentle massage on the head can make the blood circulation and helps keep the hair follicles remain active. Give sessensial lavender oil massage to enhance softness and also strengthens the hair roots, almonds or sesame in the massage. If you can not do the massage yourself, ask for help from a friend or anyone who is experienced, so that the results obtained are also maximum.

2. Avoid Washing with Hot Water Use

Washing with hot water will only make the hair become miserable and make the hair becomes damaged, wash and rinse your hair with cold water so that the roots of the hair and do not suffer loss of nutrients.

3. Coping with Hair Loss Using Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is believed to nourish and thicken the hair, because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals needed by the hair. The way is also quite easy, simply by applying the flesh of aloe vera on the scalp then do massage gently around the scalp area. In this way it helps maintain the fertility of the hair, so avoid the problem of hair loss.

4.Overcoming Hair Loss with Garlic and Ginger Juice

The content in garlic and ginger, efficacious to reduce and cope with hair loss. By way of preparing garlic and ginger, then peel and wash thoroughly. After that, garlic and ginger puree using a blender. Serve in the form of juice, then rub the garlic and ginger juice into the scalp before. Leave it for overnight, and in the morning wash your hair using shampoo.

5. Use Hair Conditioner

Too frequent shampooing will make your hair become damaged. Natural oils produced by the scalp to protect hair strands will be eroded by the shampoo. When shampooing hair conditioner use. The purpose of this is to reduce the conditioner on the hair matted and facilitate the process of combing the hair when dry.

Always keep your health and hygiene of your hair, because the hair is a crown for women who will make you look more beautiful those perfect with your hair.


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