Thursday 28 August 2014


Losing someone who means is one of the hard things in life to be experienced. For teens, the loss would be felt more and more difficult. However, support and advice will always help them.

Adolescence is a time of very pleasant, but it can also be an emotional time. If someone nearby a teenager dies, it will be very hard for them to face. World they may feel crushed. They will also feel very alone, feeling none of friends who feel the same way, and no one can understand their feelings.

Discouraged is part of the common place to help a teenager
immediately separated from the sense of loss, and the experience of every one currently discouraged any different. There are no rules about how one should feel about it, or how long we have to feel it. However, basically when someone actually discouraged them having a mix of the following emotions:

  • sadness 
  • shock, especially when the death was not unexpected  
  • resigned and support, if death was followed by the outbreak of disease in a long time  
  • feelings of guilt and regret  
  • angry  
  • restless  
  • depression

This feeling may occur very often, especially in the first days or weeks of the first. However, time will always treat these feelings, and the teens will feel better. This does not mean he does not honor the memories that have been passed along to the person, or try to forget it anyway.

There are some things that can help a teen to feel better. Start by paying attention to the health and talk to other people. This activity will help them to escape from this predicament. Close friends can be a good listener, and a source of comfort and support. However, the following things can also provide support and advice:

  • websites and blogs. They can search for information and read other people's experiences. 
  • Personal physician. When teens feel depressed, and want to torture yourself, a physician may be advised to carry out some counseling therapy.  
  • Teacher or tutor. Talking to them will make a teenager feel more comfortable. They might be able to understand what is his natural and will try to make them feel more comfortable.


In times like these, a teenager certainly will not notice yourself. In fact, by paying attention to yourself will help them resolve emotional problems. The following are some simple things you can do:

They may be loss of appetite. However, try to ask them to keep eating. Their bodies need nutrients, in order to stay healthy.

May be difficult. However, these activities can help them feel more comfortable and quieter.

Socializing. Meet with friends will make them forget the deepest feelings.

Sports. With regular exercise can make them feel better and cope with sleep problems.

Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and narcotics. Will not solve the problem will only worsen the situation instead.


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