Thursday 28 August 2014


For most people, cancer research aims only to look for drugs. However, now look at the cause of several different types of cancer, prevention of cancer is also an important study, because:
  • We will never be able to find a cure for cancer, because cancer is a group of diseases consisting of at least 200 species, where these diseases have different handling. 
  • Many types of cancer are difficult to detect in the early, and for the most effective treatment is to prevent it. These cancers including lung cancer and esophageal cancer. 
  • Many cancers can be prevented, including lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, oral cancer, and malignant melanoma.
  • Although the survival rate of many types of cancer is high, living with cancer and implement handling becomes a difficult choice

Cancer is usually a disease that attacks in the future. That is, the effect is not immediate, but it takes time. If not prevented, in the future victims of cancer will increase.

Cancer can indeed be caused by genes inherited from generation to generation. However, this very small genetic factors affecting the incidence of cancer. Mostly, cancer is caused by DNA damage that accumulates throughout the life of the person. DNA is a molecular instruction manual that tells what to do the cells in our body.

DNA damage can lead to the cells grow and divide uncontrollably. In certain cases a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of cancer by reducing the possibility of damage to DNA. This will include:
  • The amount of toxins contained in cigarettes
  • Chemicals produced in the body when we drink alcohol 
  • Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and other sources of radiation.  
  • Making healthier choices, such as maintaining a healthy weight, may also reduce the risk of damage to the molecules that make our cells divide more rapidly than normal.


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