Sunday 31 August 2014

Sex or intercourse is not limited to just physical satisfaction. Sexual intercourse is also beneficial to the health of the body to eliminate calories and so forth. Not only that, it turns out sex is also beneficial to mental health or mental. Intrigued by the benefits? Check out his review as it has been reported by the following yes Ladies.

Reduce Stress

Studies show that regular sex for two weeks to lower blood pressure and this will reduce stress levels as well. Moreover intercourse also releases endorphins and oxytocin in the brain that causes the mind more relaxed.

Improve Confidence

Sex and intimate matters related to increased confidence. Sex will make a person feel himself much better and will boost your confidence. The confidence of the bed will carry over into everyday life.
Natural Antidepressants

Sexual or intimate relationship also works as a natural anti-depressant. This is because when you're having sex, your body releases endorphins that help to reduce depression and pain.

Increase Intimacy

Having sex on a regular basis will make chemistry more closely you and your husband. When having sex, the hormone oxytocin is released. This hormone is also called love hormone that will make more people fall in love and trust each other. Because that will intercourse can make the relationship more closely.

Improve Mood

Endorphins are hormones that are known to improve one's mood. When you're having sex, this hormone naturally released. This will lead to a very good mood for you.

It turns intimate relationships have many benefits for humans. Not only physical benefits, but also mental and also adds to the chemistry in a relationship.


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