Sunday 24 August 2014


If you are considering taking freelance jobs or freelance, you'll want to think carefully beforehand. Freelance indeed many advantages such as not bound to give hours of work, you can set your own hours, and most of the wages might have as big as an office employee salaries.

However, there are some people who do not match the type of freelance work. Here are the signs if freelance work is not suitable for you as it is revealed by the All Women Stalk site.

You Need a Fixed Income
After a long time depends on a fixed income at the office, when you take your freelance lose many things, such as a free vacation, health benefits, pension contributions and you do not know how much money you will have each month. Do not take freelance work if you do not have enough money in savings to cover your living expenses for a few months.

You do not have a fixed client
Many people dream of being their own boss over. Yup, just become employees understand other people certainly is not something that is always fun. Freelance often associated with massive income and shorter working hours. In fact, if you do not have a lot of clients are still things it requires long hours and probably much less income than office employees. You must have a specific strategy to get a lot of clients while being a freelancer.

You are not the type of person who firmly
If you are not a firm, freelance work is not suitable for you. Sometimes there are some clients who will make difficult the circumstances you are reluctant to pay or drop your reputation. If so you should be firm to terminate cooperation, perhaps even willing to chase clients to want to pay you money.

Need mature strategy before deciding to plunge as a freelancer and take off your regular job in the office. Good luck and success. (


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