Wednesday 20 August 2014


Success in your career can not be achieved in just a blink of an eye. Necessary effort and hard work and persistent willingness to make it happen. One of them is by applying positive habits in everyday life. Want to know what the key to the success of the women who managed to occupy the top positions in their career? It's seven days they did, as quoted from She Knows.

1. The Organized Lifestyle
One of the habits of successful woman is having regular lifestyle. Starting from breakfast, lunch, dinner and a shower schedule to take the kids to school every morning. With regular live disciplined pattern would be formed and this will impact on your performance. Living habits to make your regular meeting schedule will also obedient and accustomed to completing work tasks on time.

2. Want to Establish Relationships
Got a lot of professional relationships is the ability to provide a variety of advantages in your business or career advancement. Just so you know, people tend to be more interested in doing business with someone they know, like and trust. Therefore in addition to your work life do not ever hesitate to always look for potential new clients, promising business prospects or professional connections while the open house between companies even in a friend's wedding reception office.

3. Clever Finance Set
Get a grip on finances with disciplined on monthly expenses, has deposits of salary set aside each month and invest. Do not waste all of your wages or salary for fun because it is only temporary pleasure.

4. Creative
Think outside the box and do not get stuck in a comfort zone. Do not be afraid to be different by showing creativity so that people do not get bored with your job performance. But do according to your desires and personality self. Do not be a fake. So it is different does not mean you have to be someone else but always able to see the other side of every situation encountered.

5. Not Stingy Science
Knowledge gained should not be kept to yourself. Be a 'generous' in science. Share your abilities and talents to others, especially junior experience under you. Be a mentor to men and it will make you become authoritative in the eyes of others. In addition, by sharing knowledge you can also get a different perspective from others who further add to your insight.

6. Enjoying Me Time
With all the hard work you've done, there's nothing wrong if you occasionally indulge. Take time to enjoy your hard work with exercise such as kickboxing if that becomes your hobby, manicure pedicure or watch a favorite movie day. Remember, you also need to pay attention to yourself. Do not always focus on work and other people because you can make a stress sehigga impressed not enjoy life.

7. Determine the Priority Scale
From now on try to do things that had to be prioritized. This habit helps you to choose smarter the more important activities. So that no time was wasted by doing activities that are less important.(

Keyword :

  • successful women
  • successful women entrepreneurs
  • women owned business
  • business ideas for women


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