Saturday 23 August 2014

 Women have their own health problems. Where some kind of disease is more common in women than men.

Reported, here's some kind of disease that is necessary because according to the research proved affects women more often than men.

1. Heart problems

Health problems that this one actually threatened both men and women. However, it has now become one of the dangerous diseases due to stress, and lifestyle are very influential.

Women with a less healthy lifestyle easy and complications of heart disease in many ways.

2. Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a deadly disease and threaten many women. Not only is caused by genes alone, breast cancer is now more easily infect those bad lifestyle.

It never hurts to always regularly check the condition of the breast so that it can prevent the worst possible thing that would happen.

3. Osteoporosis and back pain

When old age, pain is the most frequent complaints of women pain in the joints and back. The causes are many, ranging from one sitting position, lack of exercise, too much carrying a heavy load, hormonal changes to family medical history.

This is why early in life, exercise is recommended for women. In addition, consumption of calcium and vitamin D should also be satisfied that the bones are not brittle.

4. Problem pregnancy

Women today experience more pregnancy problems. Obviously because of the influence of lifestyle, which led to complications, either because of a difficult pregnancy, pregnant grapes, and so forth.

5. Depression

Men can easily vent their emotions better than women. Generally, women are more often harbored and ended up depressed and feeling depressed themselves. Especially if he does not have a convenient place to vent, there is no activity that helps to overcome the complexity of the problem, and had no time for relaxation.

It is important to maintain the health of future early so old as you get older, there are many health problems that you will encounter.(

Keyword :
  • inflammatory breast cancer
  • depression
  • breast cancer stages
  • history of breast cancer
  • breast cancer research
  • clinical depression


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