Thursday 28 August 2014

What do you do when you feel very sleepy or lethargic and are not eager to work and activities? You definitely will directly refer to coffee. coffee is indeed a fitting friend to stay up and also increase energy, if you are required to stay awake long enough period of time. However, are you aware that caffeinated coffee is also harmful if consumed in the long run? Well, to get around the coffee addiction, you can follow some of the ways to keep the spirit works even without coffee. Immediately, we see review below.

1.  Chew gum

So far we only use or consume chewing gum just to freshen our breath. But did you know that chewing gum can boost our energy and passion in the move? Some research says that the gum contains substances that are useful for the nerve flow to deliver orders on our brains. When we chew gum, your heart pumping properly and allow blood to flow from the heart to the brain will be smooth, so we will be awake and ready to start the move. We also will be more concentrated in doing our daily work. If you are getting sleepy, chew gum.

2. Take time to listen to music

The main causes are you sleepy and bored boredom. To overcome the boredom in the middle of your activities, try to take a moment to listen to music from your music player. If you have an iPod or mp3 player, try to browse your music player with songs that are upbeat, rhythmic songs such as hip hop or rock, so when you listen to music you do not feel sleepy or tired, even more excited.

3. Massage your ear while sleepy

This method is also very easy to do in the middle of boredom at work or on the move. When you are getting sleepy, stop your activity and try to hold your ears with both hands in each ear. Massage your ears in and out to awaken the tired nerves. You can do it for 10 to 30 seconds.

Those are some suggestions that we can give to you that often make coffee as an energy enhancer in the works. Now you have another alternative if you start to feel sleepy and lethargic in working in the office or on the move. Replace your coffee with some of the above so that you do not cause addiction and health problems in the long run. Not easy to leave the habit to drink coffee. However, if it is good for health, why not? (


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