Friday 29 August 2014

People who suffer from Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is always battling guilt and depression. They worried that they would end up eating behaviors with overweight, even obese. As a result, he was like trapped in a vicious circle: eat food to get satisfaction and a sense of comfort, then feel bad myself, then back on food to erode that feeling.

Many factors cause the emergence of this eating behavior disorders, which is a combination of genes (biological factors), experience (environment), and emotional (psychological). Biological factors derived from abnormalities in the function of the hypothalamus-part of the brain that regulates hunger and satiety. The hypothalamus may not send the right message about hunger and satiety. Abnormalities in the hypothalamus plays a role in the production of serotonin. Low levels of serotonin-one brain chemicals play an important role in regulating appetite
and mood. This issue of the serotonin imbalance anxiety, migraines, nausea, and excessive appetite.

The second factor is social and cultural. "Especially in Indonesia, parents generally considered a good fat child, a symbol of the success of parents caring for children. Though feeding it will form eating habits in children, "said psychologist Rosdiana Setyaningrum. When small children are often required to eat so much fat. However, after they were teenagers and fat, they are forced to eat less. "Women told to slim down for the sake of beauty, while men were told to eat less for the sake of health. Though reducing the size of the meal is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, "said Rosdiana.

"Due to the pressure of the social environment, adolescents who are overweight and obese often do crazy diets. But it usually does not work, because like a vicious circle, the more they worry about the shape of the body, the more they will eat constantly to get peace. This pattern will continue into adulthood, "said Rosdiana.
Other factors that trigger BED is a culture of giving gifts of food to children, or giving food as a tool to make children stop fussing. "Parents who cope with anxiety by eating will usually pass these habits on their children, and the child will imitate."
The third factor is the psychological factor. People who are prone to anxiety and stress, especially when coupled with the notion that appearance is important, risky having BED. "People who are prone to anxiety and stress do not have the ability to control themselves against something that happened to him," Rosdiana added. They are also very driven by emotion. For them, food is an emotional nature, as it relates to preferences, and eating is a way to cope with stress.

In addition to easy anxiety and stress, depression is also closely related to the case of BED. A lot of people with binge experiencing depression, problems with self-control, and are not able to manage and express feelings. They are also found on the feeling of loneliness, lack of self-esteem, and always felt uncomfortable with her body.(Immanuella Rachmani)


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