Wednesday 27 August 2014


Skin color is a little darker it is rather difficult to choose the color of clothing. But do not be confused if you want to choose a shirt color that matches the color of your skin. In a proportion of people especially women have white skin color, but those that have dark skin. For dark-skinned women, choosing clothes is not difficult as long as you know tips on how to match color selection.

Here are some tips on choosing the color of clothes suitable for you to use to still look sexy and charming:

1. Use a bright color clothes

Many dark-skinned girls and boys who are afraid to use bright color clothes. In fact, dark skin can be a solid foundation for a bright color clothes. You can get the impression of a very cool contrast with the bright colors.

2. Use the shiny accessories

For dark skin, it is advisable to wear a basic colored shiny accessories, such as silver and gold. Accessories like it would stand out more than the skin-colored accessories.

3. Soft colors can also be selected

If you have not dared to use a bright color clothes, you can also use a soft color of clothes for you to use. In addition there is the impression of contrast, you also will appear? Warmer ?. The effect will be different with white skin that looks pale when wearing soft colors.

4. Avoid wearing pure white clothes

Apparel pure white color will give the impression of excessive contrast when paired with dark skin. Attention will be distracted to the color of your shirt is too contrary to the skin color.

5. Avoid the use of a dark color shirt

If the skin is dark, do not dominate the appearance of dark color; because your appearance will look? dead ?. If you still want to wear dark clothes, accessories match the color of the light.

Actually, the appearance was not only seen from the style and color of the skin but how you appear more confident and still enjoy the look so that you still feel and look especially dazzling.


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