When a person, especially children stricken with high fever, a mother must be worried. Although it seems unusual, high heat in children should not be taken lightly, let alone unpunished. Without the knowledge and proper treatment, the disease often leads dangers that begin with seizures or so-called step.
Besides giving medication, the child's mother will quickly compress as first aid. Besides considered more secure because no side effects, cold water or ice water is often used as an option in relieving high heat quickly. Primarily to change the temperature of a hot body becomes colder.
In fact, the logic is wrong. Compress cold water, especially water ice, will shock the brain because it is too drastic capture the change in temperature. It can lead to contraction of the brain.
In the human body there is a natural temperature control center (thermoregulatory) which will regulate body temperature. When weather or cold temperatures around the body, the temperature control center will catch this signal and raise the body temperature to compensate, so that the body feels warmer. Vice versa.
If the body is compressed hot cold water, the body temperature will be in chaos, and compressing detect cold temperatures cause the body temperature to rise rapidly.
In addition, the blood vessels under the skin will experience the narrowing (constriction). As a result, the heat trapped in the deeper part of the body. Not the body temperature down, but instead increased than before.
Therefore, proper handling when children experience the heat is to compress using warm water. Because the sense of warmth that is given to help the body respond more quickly in response to body heat. So that heat loss through the skin even faster happening, and this is what serves to lower fever.
Keyword :
- ice compress
- knee ice wrap
- shoulder ice wrap
- ice therapy
- ice packs for knees
- rest ice compression elevation
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